Unfortunately, since the Coronavirus Pandemic (and having a child of my own in 2020) I haven't been in a position to provide baby massage or baby yoga classes in a group setting. However, I can still assist with one-to-one sessions and hope to return to the group settings at some point in the future, so please do contact me if you would like more information.
Welcome to Blossoming Baby & Me!
Welcome to Blossoming Baby & Me!
I've been a qualified Massage Therapist & Fitness Instructor since 1999 and for a long time have held the belief that these two complimentary areas of well-being should be something that's started at birth. I've been on my own fertility journey since "trying" in 2014 and have learnt along the way that there are many struggles we may go through from the point of trying to conceive right through to pregnancy (having experienced miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies of my own), birth and beyond and this has brought out the desire in me to offer care and support to both parent and child from the earliest stages. I am pleased to be able to offer Reflexology for Fertility to both men and women at the start of this journey to becoming parents, assisting in preparing the body to conceive. Once that journey has begun I can offer all the benefits to the pregnant mother of Pregnancy Massage or Pregnancy Reflexology and then continue with them on that journey after the birth with Baby Massage and Baby Yoga.
I trained in Baby Massage & Baby Yoga with Hands On Babies, who are accredited with the Royal College of Midwives, so that I can offer Baby Massage courses for parents and babies from Newborn up to toddling and Baby Yoga from 6-8 weeks upwards. (We do not manipulate the hip joint in our Baby Massage routine therefore it's suitable to all newborn babies born at full term)
The benefits of both the massage and yoga to both parent and child are enormous. Both promote bonding and attachment, help relax and de-stress both parent and child, improve communication between parent and child, encourage physical, emotional and physiological development and can aid with sleep, digestion, teething and colic issues plus many more.

Providing classes or 1-2-1 lessons on how to massage your baby to help you both relax, de-stress, bond and assist in dealing with teething, wind, disgestive or colic issues where needed.